20 Quotes About Psychedelics

"Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third-story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing."

Terence McKenna

  1. "The use of psychedelics, which can induce such a profound state of consciousness, has to be done with the utmost respect." Stanislav Grof

  2. "LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have NOT taken it." Timothy Leary

  3. "Psychedelics are not a substitute for faith, but a powerful tool to evoke and deepen faith through experience." Stanislav Grof

  4. "Psychedelics are a path to self-discovery, offering an opportunity to explore the deep recesses of our minds and the interconnectedness of all things." Albert Hofmann

  5. "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust

  6. "Psychedelics are to the study of the mind what the telescope is to astronomy and the microscope is to biology." Stanislav Grof

  7. "Psychedelics are like the microscope of the mind. They allow us to see the inner workings of our consciousness." Rick Doblin

  8. "Psychedelics may be used as an aid to meditation, as a catalyst to the process of self-discovery." Ram Dass

  9. "The therapeutic potential of psychedelics lies in their ability to access deep-seated emotional and psychological material." Stanislav Grof

  10. "Psychedelics offer a unique window into the mysteries of human consciousness and the nature of reality." Rick Strassman

  11. "Psychedelics can be agents of personal transformation and tools for exploring the boundaries of human experience." Terence McKenna

  12. "Psychedelics can help us transcend our egoic limitations and experience a profound sense of unity with the universe." Albert Hofmann

  13. "Psychedelics have the potential to heal not only individuals but also our society and the planet as a whole." Stanislav Grof

  14. "Psychedelics are a means of accessing the inner realms of the psyche, where profound healing and transformation can occur." Rick Doblin

  15. "The psychedelic experience can be a journey of self-discovery, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth." Ram Dass

  16. "Psychedelics have the power to dissolve the boundaries between self and other, leading to a profound sense of interconnectedness." Stanislav Grof

  17. "The use of psychedelics should be approached with caution and respect, as they have the potential to both heal and challenge." Albert Hofmann

  18. "Psychedelics are a tool for exploring the mysteries of consciousness and the nature of reality." Rick Strassman

  19. "In the right context and with proper guidance, psychedelics can be a powerful tool for inner exploration and personal growth." Terence McKenna

